Esmaeıl Rashvand
A master of contemporary calligraphy, Esmaıl Rashvand brings the transcendent nature of love to canvas through the power of traditional calligraphic forms. A leading figure of the 'Nakkaşihat' movement, which was established in Iran in the last century and is recognized as modern calligraphy today, Rashvand offers a fresh proposition to stagnation of canvas painting with his personal style that draws strength from traditional roots and is articulated in a contemporary manner.
Offering a phenomenological perspective on the transcendent nature of love and examining the concept of love from an ontological approach, the artist integrates into Eastern Mysticism both formally and processually with his unique methods. Rashvand's work, rich in formality and repeating itself like a mantra, transforming, concealing one another, and evolving in form, aims to depict the limitless nature of humanity by separating traditional writing from the line; thereby, loading meaning onto the power of from.
Over his forty-three-year career, Rashvand has extended his exhibitions from Iran to England, Italy and France and has contributed reference publications in his field, inviting viewers to seek the meaning of human existence on earth, from Lascaux to the present day, not in the declared but in the hidden within from.