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Ceylan Atuk

Ceylan Atuk who began her art education in Switzerland, continued it in Turkey with a focus on painting at various workshops.


Later whist working in the family business, Ceylan Giyim A.Ş., as a stylist and fashion consultant, she began to pursue an interest in photography.


She became an intern at the Decorasyon magazine and moved over to photography. It appealed to her to have the freedom to use her accumulated fine arts knowledge to create her own style of photography.


In 2000 she took photography classes at Istanbul Bilgi University and afterwards continued working in various workshops. She worked one-on-one with various photography artists. She attributes her strong artistic foundation, which has won various awards, to the experience she gained from specialized photographers she has worked with.


In 2012, in a joint project, she opened an exhibition named Perde Arkası (Behind the Scenes) at Arc Gallery. She later also exhibited this project at the Garden and Decoration fair.


In 2013, she took part in the Istanbul Italian Cultural Center’s project Water Like Tears of Love.


In 2015, she opened her first personal fair Gizli Özne at the St. Helena church with Gama Gallery.


She joined Contemporary Art 2015 with Gama Gallery and the project Slave Market.


 She joined Contemporary Art 2016 with Gama Gallery and the project The Boats.


2017 Art Fair Paris Foto Fever Paris


2017 Nisart Gizli Özne(Hidden Subject)


2018 My Dream World  Art Galerim Bebek


2019 44  A    Art Galery Teşvikiye exhibition variety Gizli özne- Düş Dünyam( Hidden Subject- My Dream World


2021- 2022 House&Beautiful magazine page studies


Focusing on community sexuality and body politics, Ceylan Atuk continues to portray striking images of women in societies where men are dominant. Atuk prefers this perspective due to its level of reality and intensity.

I turn realistic scenes into a story in my subconscious and present them in an architectural template.

Whoever views my photographs can realize they are influenced by relevant issues from my surroundings and, sometimes, a combination of past and present.

I try to empathize with people who view my photographs and they can likewise empathize with me whilst viewing them.

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